Riccardo Nicosia

by Nadine Küttel (comments: 0)

Riccardo Nicosia, Junior-Jury – Kharkiv Meets Zurich
Riccardo Nicosia, Junior-Jury

Riccardo Nicosia

My name is Riccardo Nicosia and I’m 19 years old. What I especially like in music is how I can express my feelings through playing and how I can clear my head while listening to music or playing it myself. I’m a music enthusiast and like to play the piano, chess and do sports in my free time. I see the siesta as an existential must and love to eat. In the interpretation of a musical piece, for me the most crucial thing is that the musician shows the understanding of the piece and can express it accordingly. I find it especially beautiful when the interpreter brings their own unique perspective into the piece. interpretations that bring feelings of controversy into the public are in my opinion very impressive. What I expect from the competition: A friendly atmosphere in which the competitors can enjoy their performances as much as possible and a healthy interaction between contestants.

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