Andrew Mitchell
by Nadine Küttel (comments: 0)
Andrew Mitchell
My Name is Andrew Mitchell and I’m 15 years old. Music has the power to modify a person’s mood in a wonderful way. When I am playing piano, I can focus on the sound and on the movement of my fingers. This combination is what I like about the piano. I have played piano and football for more than 6 years. Having multiple hobbies and a tight program has sometimes proved difficult. But I am always up for challenges and learning new things that interest me. I find it important to interpret a piece of music by playing in a certain way which truly shows joy. To understand the composer’s intentionfor a piece of music is key for interpreting a piece of music. I am excited to be a part of the jury and hear the different pieces of piano music. I hope to learn a lot from this great experience and look forward to meeting the participants.