Opening Concert – Monday, February 5

Aula – Kantonsschule Uster

Aula, Kantonsschule Uster
Aula, Kantonsschule Uster

Arrival of the “Young Masters” in Uster
Opening concert at 6 pm – Aula KUS

Kantonsschule Uster – Auditorium
Kantonsschule Uster – Auditorium

Kantonsschule Uster – Auditorium
February 6, 7 and 8, 2024

If you're at Zurich Main Station and planning to reach Kantonsschule Uster, you can take a train to Uster. Trains heading to Uster typically include several options, and the specific train numbers may vary. Look for trains going to Uster on the departure board, and you can choose from various options, such as S5, S9, or S15. Upon arriving at Uster train station, you'll find buses and taxis available. Bus number 731 or 732 can take you to the "Bildungszentrum" bus stop. Alternatively, it's a 12-minute walk on foot.

The auditorium, serving as the concert hall, is situated on the second floor and is clearly labeled. Once you enter the main entrance of the Education Center (Bildungszentrum - BZU), proceed straight ahead and take two flights of stairs up. Turn right, and you'll find the auditorium just 50 meters away.

Kantonsschule Uster
Bildungszentrum Uster
Krämerackerstrasse 15
CH-8610 Uster

KUS Website:
↗ Location Kantonsschule Uster in Zürich

SBB Website:
↗ Train and Tram Information




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